Drew Horowitz was recently consulted by The Phoenix Spirit to give insight on the benefits of intervention for a loved one. We’ve included an excerpt of that article below. Click Continue Reading at the bottom of this excerpt to see the full article.
…According to Drew Horowitz, addiction specialist at Drew Horowitz & Associates, “It’s not a confrontation, it’s not a fight, it’s not any of that. It’s a civilized discussion.” He says, “The goal is to empower this person to see they’re cared about and that they have an opportunity to make this change. There’s calmness. There’s love. There’s empathy. There’s support.”
The intervention is thoroughly planned. Where people will sit. What or- der they’ll speak in. Who will respond if the addict tries to leave. Every detail is anticipated, thanks to the experience and skill of the interventionist. The intervention is typically held at the home of the addict, where everyone shows up together unannounced. Using skills honed over many years, the interventionist takes the lead in a friendly and respectful way to build rapport, asking the addict to sit and listen. Almost always, the addict agrees, even if displaying some resistance.
“You have to go in with respect and dignity,” says Horowitz. “You’re in some- body else’s home, and you have to re- member this person is ill, not bad.”…
Published in The Phoenix Spirit, August/September 2021 edition, available here.